In 2013, I had a kidney transplant. After 10 or so years, my organ graft has failed and I am back on hemodialysis.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Live from National Kidney and Transplant Institute

This is the eve of the transplant procedure. The doctors told us we are ready. We feel we are; physically, emotionally and spiritually. But that doesn't mean that we are fearless. As the hours diminish toward the 7:00am schedule, my fear increases. I do not know how Ninette is coping. We are isolated from each other in separate hospital rooms. Maybe writing this is my way of coping.

The past 3 days were spent to dull my immune system. I took more than 40 pills a day. And I felt the effects; elevated BP, warm feeling but no temperature while feeling cold outside, drowsy, frequent naps but no long sleep, slurred speech, stammering, some mild hallucinations. 

But we're a GO! Will update as soon as I can.


Sunday, July 21, 2013

Happy Birthday

I turn 51 today. And I am starting it with an early morning, as in 6:00am, hemodialysis session at the center. My neph told me to move my session, which was originally scheduled Saturday nights, to Sunday, and the only available slot is 6:00am. This adjustment is made to prepare for the much anticipated kidney transplant procedure this coming Thursday, 25 July. For those who do not know, I am getting a new kidney courtesy of my lovely wife, Ninette. 

After the Ethics Committee approval two weeks ago, we were busy preparing for our double confinement. I'm sure it will be a management nightmare with both of us being in hospital. Hopefully, we will be able to pull it off with the help of some family and friends.

Tomorrow, I check in to hospital and begin my induction immunosuppression. By transplant day, I will have no immune system to decrease chances of rejection. Ninette, on the other hand, will check in a day before the procedure. I'm not sure if I'll be allowed visitors, but I'm not hopeful regarding that. Maybe one at a time, must wear a mask, and from a distance. 

I may be starting my birthday in the center, but this is one, if not the most, joyful of birthdays. 

Monday, July 8, 2013


Without any fanfare whatsoever, I received a call from the transplant coordinator whilst reading the action-packed Chapter 47 of Dan Brown's Inferno. Ninette(my lovely wife and willing donor) and I were in the lobby of the NKTI waiting to be called in for an interview by the Ethics Committee. One by one the prospective donors and recipients were called in to the conference room. I asked the staff in charge of cueing in the applicants when our turn will be. She said we were next in. So we waited in anticipation. We were ready and excited to meet and face the committee. We even power dressed for the event.

Then my phone rings… "Sir, You may now leave, the ethics committee has approved your transplant."

Weeks, months even, prior to this, Ninette and I underwent a series of tests to clear us for the transplant. We just need to undergo 1 more blood cross-match repeat test, and urinalysis and chest x-ray for me to rule out current infections. Then my admission to hospital will be on the 22nd; Ninette's will be the 24th. Procedure on the 25th. Of course this is barring any complication.

The next 2 weeks before my admission, I need to guard against infections and other illnesses. If I get even just a sore throat, all dates will be moved. Don't be surprised to see me always wearing mask. And If you see me without it, you have my permission to chide me. 

Family and friends' support have been keeping us positive. We thank you and ask for continued support even more in the weeks and months to come. Prayers have seen us through this and prayers will see us through more. Yesterday, I decided to drive up to Xavier School Nuvali along with Ninette and Byn(our niece/daughter). The 1.5-hour trip to the sprawling new Xavier School campus(I work in her main campus) located in Laguna was easy and enjoyable. Being a Sunday, traffic was light to and from. The main purpose was to visit the new chapel there; The Oratory of St. Francis Xavier, a.k.a. The Xavier Rock. A sort of pilgrimage to spend some quite time. I'm glad and thankful we did that.